Violanta named “Golden Protagonist of the Greek Economy 2010-2020”

Important distinctions for Violanta in the prestigious "GOLDEN PROTAGONISTS OF THE GREEK ECONOMY 2010-2020" awards, under the auspices of the Ministry of Development and Investment. VIOLANTA has been named "Greek Business Champion" as a result of its economic activity, the increase in turnover and the overall growth of the company during the last decade 2010-2020.

More specifically, Violanta has managed to more than double its business activity in the last decade, both in the economic sector and in the areas of commercial product development and infrastructure.

At the same time, VIOLANTA was awarded the “Solidarity Excellence Award” for the company’s commitment to the value of human life and the solidarity shown towards society also with the appearance of the Covid-19 pandemic.

VIOLANTA, sticking to its values, keeps producing and offering unique taste and excellent quality products, while at the same time standing on the side of vulnerable groups and Greek society. VIOLANTA's distinctions at the "GOLDEN PROTAGONISTS OF THE GREEK ECONOMY 2010-2020" awards confirm the company’s continued efforts to meet the modern needs of consumers.

Head Offices
6th km Trikala - Karditsa National Road, 42100, Trikala
24310 43090
24310 43539
Larissa Factory
The Eco Friendly Biscuit Factory
14th km Larissa - Makryhori, 40006 Larissa
2410 541070
Athens Branch
Kymis Avenue & Kerasias 19, 13677, Acharnes
210 8395110
210 8395111
Thessaloniki Branch
Papadiamanti 21, 57009, Kalochori Thessaloniki
2310 789646
2310 755696
финансовый прогресс

В последние несколько лет наша компания успешно процветающего рост экономического статуса. В прошлом году закрыты самые лучшие впечатления.

Сочетание нового продвижения продукции, трудолюбие и прекрасных отношений с нашими партнерами, с ростом наших международных операций, привело нас к еще более позитивные признаки.


Member of the «ΕΛΛΑ-ΔΙΚΑ ΜΑΣ» Initiative

«ΕΛΛΑ-ΔΙΚΑ ΜΑΣ» is the logo created by EUROCERT Inspection and Certification Company S.A. with a view to certify businesses of Greek property whose products are produced in Greece and have presence in the Greek Retail Market.
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